Monday, March 14, 2011

Users Guide: The Apocalypse

         Monday Dessert Special:  Death By Opossum
pen and ink
Attack Opposums


  1. Hmm, did you do this sketch? Looks like bad pirates stranded on a sand bank ... blablablahhh aside, I feel pain and unease of the Japan situation.
    Remember, Christchurch in NZ got basically destroyed a few weeks ago by an earthquake - it seems to just go on and on.
    Makes me think that as humans we do something wrong -nature rebells, and here we stand going ohh ahhh uhhps shit what? insane.... and so on. I guess we humans have been out of touch...

  2. ahh, something selfish that I forgot, the link to my blog: I am a bit stressed out right now, so not too much happening there. Well here it is:
